{ "name": "xuanxuan-ext", "displayName": " 群消息置顶 ", "version": "1.0.0", "description": " 允许在群消息中选择某条消息置顶 ", "main": "index.js", "publisher": "Samuel Studio", "scripts": { "test": "npm run test" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "keywords": [ "xuanxuanim" ], "author": "Samuel", "license": "WTFPL", "xext" : { "type" : "plugin", "hot": true }, "engines": { "xuanxuan": "^3.0", "platform": "electron,nwjs" }, "usesPermissions" : [ "components", "contextmenu" ] } 这个是package.json的配置.
const Modal = require( 'xext/components/Modal'); let timerTask; module. exports = { onAttach:(ext) => { console. log( `samuel project attached....`) timerTask = setTimeout(() => { Modal. alert( ' 扩展加载完成已经 10 秒钟了,刚刚加载等扩展名称是: ' + ext. displayName); }, 10 * 1000); }, contextMenuCreators : [ { match : 'message.text', create: context =>{ const { message} = context; const messageContent = message. content; return [ { icon: 'mdi-start', label : " 在对话框显示消息 ", click : ()=>{ console. log( `samuel project 在对话框显示消息 ....`) Modal. alert( messageContent) } } ] } } ] }
开发板暄暄加载后弹出权限确认界面, 点击确认后成功安装本地插件. 但是在刷新之后载入的时候使用报错:
Call extension api "components.Modal" failed, because the extension "xuanxuan-ext" has not permission to access the api.
我明明已经授权了啊, 为什么还会有这个错误.
应该已经在交流群沟通过了,这块有个权限控制的: https://www.xuanim.com/book/dev/257.html 扩展 API 根据权限的不同划分为 7 个等级,等级越高的 API 拥有的权限更高,能够实现更复杂的功能。在 “基础版” 授权中客户端扩展可以使用 等级 5 及小于等级 5 下的所有 API,在 “增强版” 和 “OEM” 版本中客户端扩展可以使用所有等级的扩展 API。
